We are now delighted to announce a one day MasterClass given by one of KM’s top thought leaders, Paul Corney. The Masterclass will be held between 9:30am and 4:30pm on Thursday 20th April 2023.
MasterClass Leader : Paul Corney
Date : Thursday 20th April 2023
Time: From 9:30am to 4:30pm
Location: Central District
Workshop Lunch Snapshots:

The fee for HKKMS/BAKE members will be HK$1600, and HK$2000 for non-members. Buy 3 get 1 free. Lunch and Coffee included. Places are limited.
“There is a danger that in focusing on the digital environment and explosion of tools you lose sight of the importance of the person and networks.” Paul J Corney in an address to Arup’s Global Skills Network in 2017
Overview & learning outcomes:
The pandemic accelerated what had been an emerging trend of hybrid working. As organisations scrambled to put the necessary infrastructure in place to enable their employees to work remotely, so they too had to reassess existing working practices.
Yet, as the impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning and ChatGPT loom large, today’s manager is facing a complex future. Effective managers will need a mix of soft and technical collaboration skills as well as a good working knowledge of the business. This Masterclass will demonstrate frameworks, tools, and techniques to equip today’s manager for a digital workplace.
Paul J Corney will lead this interactive Masterclass pulling on experiences as an advisor to global businesses conducted over 25+ years. He will also draw on his experience as the cofounder of a public “Cobra committee” set up to manage his municipality’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. He will use examples from “The KM Cookbook: Stories and strategies for organisations preparing to adopt Knowledge Management Standard ISO 30401” published in May 2019 by Facet Publishing.
Delegates will be invited to bring their problems and challenges to the table and be willing to engage in creating solutions for fellow delegates. They will be given ample opportunity to experiment.
The Masterclass will equip delegates with:
- Practical tips and techniques to work collaboratively in a virtual world.
- An understanding of and exposure to the key skills needed to work in virtual teams.
- A set of 10 success factors for running virtual teams.
Who should attend?
It is likely to be of most benefit to practicing Professionals in HR, Learning & Training, Knowledge & Information and Organisational Development who must ensure they and their colleagues are equipped to meet the challenges of a fast-changing business environment.
Masterclass leader: Paul J Corney
A former President of the Chartered Institute of Library, Information & Knowledge Professionals (CILIP), Paul is the founder of knowledge et al, a UK-based consultancy and former Managing Partner of Sparknow LLP a communications consultancy and Strategic Business Advisor to Sopheon PLC.
His early career was in finance (25 years as a senior executive in “the city” with Saudi International Bank and Zurich Financial Services). For the last 25 years, he has held a portfolio of activities, combining paid consultancy, pro bono, and teaching roles.
He has led many challenging assignments, often cross-cultural, working with a range of global organisations in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. An early adopter of search technology he has worked in more than two dozen countries and has been responsible for merging and integrating acquired technology companies during the dot com era.
Paul is an award-winning author, experienced practitioner, presenter, masterclass leader and lecturer; he has chaired numerous international conferences and is a visiting lecturer at the International Islamic University of Kuala Lumpur, University of Sheffield, and Kent State University.
Masterclass Topics:
- Introductions:
- What’s in it for me?
- Understanding the challenges and experiences of the group
- Virtual community collaboration in a pandemic
- Setup
- Conduct
- Outcomes
- Why Virtual teams fail?
- Leveraging the value of AI and ChatGPT: impact on personal knowledge.
- EmergingexemplarsincludingGregory.AI
- Key skills of the virtual Manager: 4 critical ‘ates”
- Facilitate
- Collaborate
- Communicate
- Curate
- Importance of set up and environment for a hybrid workforce
- Introducing “Knowledge Matchmaking”: pros and cons
- Exemplars from “The KM Cookbook”
- 10 success factors of virtual teams
- Consolidating the learnings
- Mapping “A Day in the Life of a virtual manager in 2025”
- My three takeaways
- Presentation of Certificates
Recent Testimonials
I wanted to thank you for presenting at the MOD IKX Symposium last week. We know you are an authority in your subject and your presentation on IKX and Collaborative Working was informative and absorbing. Your 3 takeaways for the day were thought-provoking for attendees. We have received many complimentary comments about your presentation, these are a few examples:
“What a fantastic opening talk from Paul Corney, it was great to have him back for
another year. He delivered a great insight into the culture within collaborative working.” “So real take away thoughts. Really enjoyed the presentation. Sometimes best to remember to stick to basic principles.” “Brilliant talk, really useful and full of wisdom.”
Paul’s masterclass series is exactly that; a small group of people with experience coming together to learn from an expert. I love the concept, and I loved the experience. It’s a brilliant way to focus on a specific topic and dive right in. We covered industry norms and why those don’t work, and most importantly, Paul’s ideas for how to overcome these status quo situations. I came home with realistic and tangible techniques that I have already infused into my day-to-day work.