Knowledge asset management is not just about codified and digital asset management, as important as that is, but also, it is fundamentally about other critical knowledge assets, such as human knowledge assets, and relational knowledge assets, and their inter-connection with financial assets.
Knowledge asset management is now considered a fiduciary duty for the public sector servants to improve citizens value (managing public money), and it is the fiduciary duty of every Director of private sector organizations, large and small, to manage all the key assets on behalf of customers, employees, shareholders, community and, indeed all key stakeholders.
In December 2021, after an extensive period of development and consultation, HM Government, United Kingdom, published “The Rose Book: guidance on knowledge asset management in government”. It contains some key principles, most notably:
Knowledge Assets can have considerable value and impact beyond their original purpose and exploiting this is part of good asset management. This value can be social, economic, and financial, and is often a combination of these. Knowledge Assets can be measured.
Ron Young will propose that it is now becoming mandatory for many organisations, public and private, to manage their knowledge assets. Furthermore, those organisations that manage their knowledge assets wisely, will be leaders in the 21st Century knowledge driven economies, institutions, and professions around the world.
The webinar on “Understanding and Exploiting Knowledge Asset Management?” is co-organised by the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society and Behavior and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre (BAKE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Registration: Closed
The event has completed. You can replay the session from this link.
Ron Young is the founder of Knowledge Associates who are based at St John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge U.K and in small research companies around the world. He is acknowledged as a leading international expert and thought leader in strategic knowledge asset management. He specializes in knowledge driven results. He advised and assisted the UK DTI Innovation Unit in the production of the UK Government White Paper ‘UK Competitiveness in the Knowledge Driven Economy’.
He chaired the BSI Knowledge Management Standards Committee, and he is a member of the ISO International Standards workgroups for Knowledge Management, Innovation Management and Asset Management. He lectures on the Global Knowledge Economy, and he teaches Knowledge Asset Management at leading Universities. He consults to the United Nations, World Bank, European Commission, and the inter-governmental Asian Productivity Organization.
He specializes in developing knowledge strategies, policies, governance models, standards, knowledge systems and knowledge driven platforms. He was a lead research consultant for the European Commission ‘Know-Net’ and LEVER projects.
He is joint author of the books:
Intellectual Capital in the Digital Economy (Routledge, 2020), Knowledge Management Facilitators Guide, Tools and Techniques (APO, Tokyo, 2020) Knowledge Management Matters – words of wisdom from leading practitioners (J.Girard, 2018), Enhancing Knowledge Productivity (APO, Tokyo 2017), Knowledge Management for the Public Sector (APO, Tokyo 2014), Knowledge Management: Case Studies for SME’s (APO, Tokyo, 2009), ‘Knowledge Asset Management’ (Springer 2003), ‘Upside Down Management’ (McGraw Hill Europe 1996).