May 132021

Process innovation, transformation, improvement, business process management, disruption are among some of the common catch words used today that can mean pretty much whatever they need from whoever is using them. Throw in some of the special vocabularies and tools of Six Sigma, Agile, Design Thinking, Project Management methodologies and it is enough to confuse even a seasoned operations executive.

David explores all these terms and the various methodologies in our marketplace of ideas to show how he developed his own approach to what is a very basic question: how do I construct clear solution path for my client’s problem?

Facilitator: David Matvey

Date : Tuesday 25th May

Time: 6:30pm until 8.00pm (GMT+8 hours) 

Location : 22/F United Centre, Admiralty and Online via Zoom, details will be provided to attendees

The meeting is $200 for non-members and free for HKKMS & KMIRC members. Further details on the speaker can be found below. This event is completed and registrations are closed.

The David Matvey’s presentation from the event can be downloaded from this link (PDF)


David Matvey is currently an Associate Director at Protiviti Consulting Hong Kong working on the ASP Legal Transformation Program at HSBC. David has spent over 20 years in financial services technology and operations responsible for operational excellence, business risk and controls, project and program management, technology project management, quality management, analytics, audit operations, relationship management, financial forecasting, consumer segmentation and strategy, employee satisfaction and customer delight analysis.

David is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt, a lean Black Belt and is PMP Certified. David is currently working on Microsoft certifications in Azure Cloud and Power Platform. He was a Bank of America Award of Excellence winner in the Quality and Productivity division. He is also a Bank of America Inventor with a US patent for a technology root cause data algorithm.

Feb 192021

This is a comprehensive training programme delivering the latest Knowledge Management (KM) methods and techniques. Illustrated through a series of practical examples, this programme will provide you with an in-depth understanding of KM principles and processes.

KM practitioners will be invited to share their knowledge and experience in the class so that you can gain a deeper understanding of the skills about KM implementation and enable you to develop relevant capabilities.

Don’t miss this course if you would like to: 

  • discover how to draw up a KM project blueprint and develop a KM strategy and implementation plan
  • meet local KM experts to learn from their KM project implementation experiences

Suitable for

Executives of government, non-profit-making organizations and commercial organizations, knowledge management personnel, human resources and training officers, holders of diplomas/professional qualifications or equivalent qualifications, or those with three or more years of working experience.

Focus of the Course

  • Essentials of Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge Risk and Assessment
  • KM Strategies (knowledge audit, intellectual capital reporting, performance measurement)
  • Knowledge Innovation (Nonaka’s SECI model, innovative thinking models, innovation strategies)
  • Knowledge Sharing and Implementation (After Action Reviews, Story Circle, Knowledge Café, Community of Practices)
  • KM Platform and Technology (Knowledge Portal, Taxonomy, Business Intelligence and Decision Making)
  • Organization Learning (productive dialogue)

Application Deadline : 28th Feb 2021

Course Details

  • Course Delivery Period:
    Mar to Apr 2021, Monday and Thursday, 6:45pm – 9:45pm;
    8th May (Sat), 10:00am – 5:00pm
  • Final Presentation Date: 15th May 2021 (Sat), 9:00am – 6:00pm
  • Class: 12 classes
  • Language : Cantonese (supplemented with English), some classes will be delivered in English
  • Fee: HK$8,500
  • Venue : The Hong Kong Polytechnic University OR online teaching

Registration for 2021 has now completed, please send a enquiry if you want to find out the next schedule. 


Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Registration for the CKP 2021 has completed.

知識管理專家課程 (CKP)



  • 了解如何制定知識管理項目藍圖,並製定知識管理學策略和實施計劃
  • 與本地知識管理專家會面,了解他們的實施知識管理項目的經驗




  • 知識管理的基本概念
  • 知識風險成因及評估
  • 如何制定知識管理策略
  • 知識創新的技巧
  • 知識分享的實踐和方法
  • 知識管理平台與技術
  • 如何建立學習組織




  • 上課時間 : 2021 年3月至4月逢星期一和四,晚上 6 時45 分至 9 時45 分; 5月8日星期六,上午 10 時至 下午5 時
  • 終期報告 : 2021 年5月15日星期六 ,上午 9 時至下午 6 時
  • 節 數: 12 節
  • 授課語言 : 粵語 (輔以英語),個別單元會以全英語授課
  • 學 費: 港幣 8,500 元
  • 上課地點 : 於香港理工大學或網上授課


Miss Trista Lai

Jan 062021

Our friends at KMP are organising an online event on the 14th January. The Zoom event is to be run by an expert from KnowledgeWorkx and is conveniently timed for evening Hong Kong Time, 20:00 to 21:30.

The discussion will be around “elevate our thinking and equip ourselves to explore each person’s unique cultural wiring; we call it “Self-Cultural Analysis”.

Topical and appropriate.. You can find out more and register via this link.

Nov 072020

Our friends at the KMP (Knowledge Management Practitioners) are running an event on the 1st December from 8pm to 9pm HKT.

KMP members will share their experiences using different meeting tools for different situations and share how online collaboration tools can be integrated into virtual events to turn a one way street into a proper conversation.

Get more details on the KMP event page click here

Click here to register for the event

Event brochure