Globally recognized management consultant Dave Snowden is an award-winning keynote speaker, C-suite advisor, author, and educator based in the UK. His science-based playbook combines anthropology, neuroscience, and complex adaptive systems theory into a powerful management toolset. His approach has benefited such companies as Bosch, Virgin Group, Westpac, Standard Chartered, and BP.
At this Masterclass, you will learn ways organizations can thrive on complexity, adapt instinctively, and reoptimize dynamically. In these chaotic times, survival requires navigating unknown terrain that is reshaping daily.
Premium Event – First time ever in Hong Kong!
- Tuesday 12th Sept 2023, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong, 9AM-5PM
- US$ 1000 including a networking lunch at the China Club
- Bird Registration before 1 Sept: US$ 800
- Limited to 12 participants – Act Now!

Dave Snowden is an entertaining speaker, much appreciated for his humour, pragmatic cynicism, and iconoclastic style. His work is globally renowned for enabling companies and governments to better deal with complex issues relating to strategy, organization, and decision-making.
Professor Snowden’s powerful anthro-complexity management toolset was developed for times like these, bringing together anthropology, neuroscience, and complex adaptive systems theory.
He holds a visiting Chair at the University of Hull and recently received a special award from the University for his original contributions to Systems Thinking. He has previously held visiting Chairs at the Universities of Pretoria, Bangor, and Hong Kong Polytechnic, as well as a visiting fellowship at the University of Warwick. He was a senior fellow at the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies at Nanyang University and the Civil Service College in Singapore. He is also principle author of the European Union Field guide on managing in complexity and chaos.