Conference: KM and Big Data – friends or enemies?


Big Data is the hot topic. Advanced analytic capabilities is the potential benefit. But Knowledge Management(KM) professionals are wary we’ve seen corporations amass vast amounts of data in their Intranets , which for many have about as much use as a digital dustbin. We understand the important role of humans to provide context and judgement to turn data into knowledge. However, Big Data may be a game changer, with huge investments in technology capability. Join us at this Conference and learn if there is a role for Big Data in the world of KM.


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Conference highlights: 5 Keynote speeches and one panel discussionWhen: 26th November, 2013. Registration: 9:30am ,
conference ends 5.15 pm

Where : Conference Room, 22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Fee: Conference : HK$2,900 ($2,500 for HKKMS/KMIRC/BIIA members)

Registration has completed for this event

Conference leafletBig Data conference leaflet

Speaker line-up

Creating the Future: The Intelligent machines

Dr Ben Goertzel

Ben Goertzel
Chief Science Officer, Aidyia Limited

Social makes sense of Big Data


Euan Semple
Social Media pioneer at the BBC

Cloud Computing and Big Data
for Service
Innovations & Learning

Prof. Eric Tsui

Prof Eric Tsui
Hong Kong Polytechnic

Big Data”, a new resource to
and INTERPRETER weak signals?


Nicolas Lesca
Université Claude

The Future of Information

David Worlock, Chairman BIIA

David Worlock
Chairman of BIIA

Conference Moderator and


Phil Cotter
Deputy General Manager BIIA
and Principal of Cotter Consulting